Hisashi Kobayashi's Blog
Sherman Fairchild University Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Princeton University

Keynote Address/Plenary Speech at Symposium/Conference

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Hisashi Kobayashi – Keynote Address, etc. (56)

K1. System Modeling and Analysis (10)

K2. Communications and Networks (6)

K3. Technology Overview (2)

K4. Creativity and Innovation (3)

K5. Research Management (2)

K6. International Competition and Cooperation (3)

K7. PRML: Capitalizing on Analogy (8)

K8. Network Security (2)

K9. University Education and Human Capital Development (8)

K10: Future Internet Architecture (6)

K11. Stochastic Modeling of an Infectious Disease (2)

K12. Other Topics (5)

K1. System Modeling and Analysis (10)

K1-1. Plenary Speech, “Queueing Models,” NSF Symposium on Modeling and Analysis of Data Networks, Washington, D.C., March 1976.

K1-2. Plenary Speech, “Computer System Modeling,” International Teletraffic Congress (ITC) Seminar, Delft, The Netherlands, October 1977.

K1-3. Plenary Speech, The Operating System Theory Symposium, Visegrad, Hungary, December 1979.

K1-4. Plenary Speech, The Dutch Operations Research Symposium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, January 1980.

K1-5 Plenary Speech, “Analytic Models of Computer Performance,” The 10th IFIP Conference on System Modeling and Optimization, New York City, September 1981.

K1-6. Plenary Speech, “Analytic Models of Computer Performance,” SEARC Computer Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 1982.

K1-7. Opening Speech, Performance ’84 Symposium, Paris, France, December 1984.

K1-8. Opening Speech, 1987 Symposium on Simulation of Computer Networks, Colorado Springs, CO, August 1987.

K1-9. Keynote Address, “Product-Form Networks and Computational Algorithms,” The IFIP WG.7.3 Workshop on System Modeling and Analysis, May 16 & 17, 2007 at Cologne, Germany.

K1-10. Plenary Lecture, “Queueing and Loss Network Models: Computational Algorithms and Asymptotic Analysis,” 12th WSEAS International Conference on Communications, July 23-25, 2008, Heraklion, Greece.
(see http://www.wseas.org/conferences/2008/greece/iccom/)

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K2. Communications and Networks (6),

K2-1. Plenary Speech, NATO Advanced Study Institute on “New Concepts in Multi-User Communications,” Norwich, England, August 1980.

K2-2. Keynote Address, “High-Speed Communication Networks,” ISR Workshop on New Directions in Super-Computing, Aoyama Tepia, Tokyo: December 11, 1991

K2-3. Plenary Speech, “High-Speed Communication Networks: Architectures and Performance,” IEEE Singapore International Conference on Networks & International Conference on Information Engineering’93 (SICON/ICIE ’93), Singapore, September 8, 1993.

K2-4. Lecture, “Global Telecommunications,” Distinguished Lecture Series, University of California, Irvine. October 21, 1993.

K2-5. Plenary Speech, “Telecommunication Revolution,” 2nd IEEE Malaysia International Conference on Communications (MICC95), Langkawi, Malaysia, November 20-22, 1995.

K2-6. 基調報告「テレコミュニケーション革命―あなたは今、世の中で何が起きているか知っていますか?」日本大学総合科学研究所リサーチセミナープログラム、平成8年7月12日、日本大学会館

Keynote Report: “Telecommunications Revolution: Do you know What is happening in the World?” at Research Seminar Program, Nihon University, Advanced Research Institute for Sciences and Humanities. July 12, 1996.

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K3. Technology Overview (2)

K3-1. Plenary Speech, “A Perspective of Computer Technology,” KISS (Korean Information Science Society), Seoul, Korea, October 1984.

K3-2. Keynote Address, Worldwide Chain Store System (WCSS)’s Tenth Annual User Conference, Chicago, IL, June 13, 1988.

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K4. Creativity and Innovation (3)

K4-1. Plenary Speech, “Scientific Creativity and Engineering Innovation in Japan,” The AAAS Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, February 1987 (published in the Proceedings).

K4-2. Keynote Address, “Creativity in Research & Development,” The 7th New Energy Industrial Symposium, October 1987, Tokyo (published in the Proceedings).

K4-3. パネリスト「90年代イノベーションの方向と波及」 1991国際経済経営会議、シンポジウム3、都ホテル東京、1991年3月18-19日
Panelist “1990’s Innovations: Directions and Influences,” 1991 International Conference on Economics & Management, Miyako Hotel-Tokyo, March 18-19, 1991

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K5. Research Management (2)

K5-1. 記念講演「米国にみる研究・開発マネジメントの実際」 研究・開発マネジメント・フォーラム’88.研究環境と人材開発、明治記念館、1988年11月17日Commemoration Speech, R&D Management Forum ’88, sponsored by Nihon Keizai Newspaper, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 17, 1988.

K5-2. 特別講演「21世紀における研究所の体質は如何にあるべきか?」独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所設立記念式典講演会. 2001年4月9日
Special Lecture, “What should a research organization in the 21st century strive for?” At the Opening Ceremony of National Institute of Advanced Science and Technology (AIST), Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Tokyo, Japan, April 9, 2001.

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K6. International Competition and Cooperation (3)

K6-1. Keynote Address, “International Frictions in Science and Technology,” IEEE Data Engineering Conference, Kobe, Japan, April 11, 1991.

K6-2. Keynote Address, “Technological Competition and Cooperation,” at the 1991 International Conference on the Performance of Distributed Systems and Integrated Communication Networks, Kyoto, Japan, September 10, 1991.

K6-3. 特別講演「科学技術の研究における国際間の摩擦と協力について」 1991年度鹿島技術研究所研究報告会、1991年11月7日
Keynote Address, “International Frictions in Science and Technology,” (in Japanese) Kajima Corporation’s Annual Research Conference, Tokyo, November 7, 1991.

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K7. PRML: Capitalizing on Analogy (8)

K7-1. Plenary Lecture, “Capitalizing on Analogies between Different Applications in Stochastic Modeling,” The 9th Canadian Workshop on Information Theory, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, June 5-8, 2005.

K7-2. Keynote Address, “Capitalizing on Analogies between Different Applications in Stochastic Modeling,” at the Second International Conference on Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless Networks (QShine2005), Orlando Florida, August 22 -24, 2005.

K7-3. Award Lecture, “35 years of Progress in Digital Recording,” (coauthored by F. Dolivo and E. Eleftheriou of IBM Zurich Research Lab), at The 2005 Eduward Rhein Technology Award Lecture, October 2005 at Technical University of Munich, Germany

K7-4. Invited Lecture, “Capitalizing on Analogies between Different Applications in Stochastic Modeling,” at the University of Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro, sponsored by the Serbian Academy of Engineering, October 21, 2005.

K7-5. Invited Lecture, “Capitalizing on Analogies between Different Applications in Stochastic Modeling,” in the Michigan State Distinguished Lecture Series, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, November 3, 2005.

K7-6. Keynote lecture, “Thirty Yeas’ Progress in Digital Recording,” at the 2006 Hawaii, IEICE, and SITA Joint Conference on Information Theory, held at Nara, Japan on May 23-26, 2006. http://www.ieice.org/~it/HISC06/

K7-7. Invited Lecture, “Capitalizing on Analogies between Different Applications in Stochastic Modeling,” at IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory, February 27, 2006.

K7-8. Keynote Address, “35 years of Progress in Digital Recording,” (coauthored by F. Dolivo and E. Eleftheriou of IBM Zurich Research Lab) The 11th International Symposium on Problems of Redundancy in Information and Control Systems, July 2-6, 2007, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. http://www.k36.org/redundancy2007/files/itsn.pdf (This talk was based on an updated version of The 2005 Edward Rhein Technology Award Lecture,” given in October 2005 at Munich, Germany).

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K8. Network Security (2)

K8-1. Invited Lecture, “Security of Ad Hoc Wireless Networks,” in the Networked Systems Distinguished Lecture Series, University of California at Irvine, March 12, 2004.

K8-2. Lecture, “Network Security,” Corporate Affiliate Program, Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, May 2004.

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K9. University Education and Human Capital Development (8)

K9-1. 講演「米国から見た日本の大学の良い点、悪い点とその改善策」、国際シンポジウム「大学における教育と研究―21世紀に向けての新展開」三田共用会議所、平成6年1月10-11日, 講演要旨(平成6年12月発行) pp.10-14
Keynote Address, “How to Improve the Japanese University System,” International Symposium on University Reform (sponsored by the Ministry of Education), Tokyo Japan, January 8-10, 1994. Proceedings (published in December 1994) pp. 10-14.

K9-2. 招待講演「日本とアメリカの大学が抱える課題」第二回大学改革シンポジウム、文部省・東京大学 1996年11月26-27日
Plenary Speech, “Japanese and U.S. Universities: Their Issues and Challenges,” The Second University Reform Symposium, The Ministry of Education and the University of Tokyo, November 26-27, 1996.

K9-3. 招待講演「日米の大学の抱える問題点:我々は如何に取り組むべきか?」21世紀に向けての産官学連携戦略―ネットワーク社会における科学と産業―AGIP21 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学(NAIST)平成8年11月28-29日
Plenary Speech, “Japanese and U.S. Universities: Their Issues and Challenges”, Symposium on Strategies for Academia-Government-Industry Partnerships Towards the 21 st Century (AGIP21), Nara Institute of Science & Technology (NAIST), Nara, Japan, November 28-29, 1996.

K9-4. Keynote Address, “University in the 21st Century,” The First Symposium of Graduate School of Information Science Technology, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, November 11, 2002.

K9-5. Keynote Address, “The Role of Higher Education in the Age of Globalization,” at Conference on “Higher Education Reform in Japan and Germany—Taking Stock and Looking Ahead,” Hitotsubashi Memorial Hall, February 28, 2006.

K9-6. Keynote Address, “The Higher Education in the Age of Globalization,” at The Japanese-German University Presidents’ meeting: Higher Education Reform in Japan and Germany-Taking Stock and Looking Ahead, held on February 28, 2006 at Hitotsubashi Memorial Hall, National Center of Science Building, Tokyo.
The abstract of my speech is found at http://www.princeton.edu/kobayashi/eng/news.html
The slides are found at http://www.hrk.de/eng/download/dateien/Vortrag\_Kobayashi.pdf

K9-7. 招待講演「グローバル時代の人材育成」第21回六甲会議、神戸ポートピア、2010年4月16-17日
Plenary Speech, “Human Capital Development in the Global Age” The 21st Rokko Conference, held at Kobe Portopia Hotel, April 17-18, 2010. (https://hp.hisashikobayashi.com/?p=170)

K9-8. 招待講演「国際競争力へ向けての人材育成」日本学術振興会・先導的研究開発委員会、2012年11月27日
Invited Speech, “Human Capital Development for International Competitiveness,” at The JSPS Research and Development Technical Committee Meeting, Nov. 27, 2012

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K10: Future Internet Architecture (6)

K10-1. 基調講演「新世代ネットワーク・アーキテクチュア:機会と課題」NICT京阪名研究所の開所記念式典、2008年6月23日
Keynote Address, “New-Generation Network Architecture: Its Opportunities and Challenges,” at the Opening Ceremony of the NICT Keihanna Laboratory, June 23, 2008 at Keihanna, Japan. https://hp.hisashikobayashi.com/?p=132

K10-2. H. Kobayashi, “Keynote Address: Network Virtualization- Its concept and performance aspect,” ITC specialist seminar, May 18-20, 2009 at Hoi An, Vietnam. (http://www.itcspecialistseminar.com/keynote.php)

K10-3. Keynote Address, “An End to the End-to-End Arguments,” Euroview 2009, July 27-28, 2009, Univ. of Wuertzburg, Germany (see http://www3.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/euroview/2009/ )

K10-4. H. Kobayashi, Keynote Addres: The New Generation Network (NwGN) Project: Its Promises and Challenges,” The NICT New Vision Symposium, November 9, 2011 at Tokyo Conference Center, Shinagawa.

K10-5. H. Kobayashi, “Keynote Address: Modeling and Analysis Issues in the Future Internet,” at the 24th International Teletraffic Congress, September 4-7, 2012, Kraków, Poland.

K10-6. 招待講演「ビッグ・データと将来のネットワーク:米国からの展望」第7回新世代ネットワーク推進フォーラム、ホテルフラシオン青山、2013年1月16日
Plenary Speech, “Big Data and Future Networks: A Perspective from the United States,” 7th New Generation Network Promotion Forum, Hotel Floracion Aoyama, Tokyo, January 16, 2013.

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K11. Stochastic Modeling of an Infectious Disease (2)

K11-1. “Keynote Speech: Stochastic Modeling of an Infectious Disease,” ITC 32, September 23, 2020, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn3EiQsvkps

K11-2. “A probabilistic Model of an Infectious Disease, based on the BDI Process, and Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of the Model Parameters,” Presented at a joint conference “OR in Health Care” and “Dynamic Decision Models and Applications.” The Operations Research Society of Japan, Sept. 29, 2021. The abstract and slides are posted on https://hp.hisashikobayashi.com/a-probabilistic-model-of-an-infectious-disease-based-on-the-bdi-process-and-maximum-likelihood-estimation-of-the-model-parameters/

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K12. Other Topics (5)

K12-1. Keynote Speech, “Ludwig Boltzmann: His Impacts on Information and Communications Technologies,” at the Symposium honoring Ludwig Boltzmann (Ludwig Boltzmann: February 20, 1844 -September 5, 1906), February 20, 2009, Austrian Embassy, Tokyo.

K12-2. 祝辞「東京大学大学院入学式での祝辞」日本武道館、2010年4月12日ビデオ:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfJDYeKdWXs

Guest Speech, The Matriculation Ceremony of the Graduate School of the University of Tokyo, April 12, 2010 (see https://hp.hisashikobayashi.com/?p=167 for English translation of the speech, and for video in YouTube).

K12-3. 講演「2012年C&C賞受賞記念講演 ANA インターコンテイネンタル・ホテル東京での式典,2011年11月28日
Lecture, “Speech at the 2012 C&C Prize Ceremony,” ANA Intercontinental Hotel Tokyo, November 11, 2012.

K12-4. 招待講演「小林昭七の生涯と業績」桑港赤門会の年次総会、2013年2月9日

Invited Speech, “The life and achievements of Shoshichi Kobayashi,” at the Annual Meeting of San Francisco Akamon-kai (Alumni of UTokyo).

K12-5. Acceptance and Acknowledgment Speech, Award Ceremony of Honorary Doctorate Degree, The Ghent University, March 22, 2019.

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