Hisashi Kobayashi –Lectures & Seminars (125)
L1. Computer Performance Analysis (5)
L2. Network Performance Analysis (15)
L3. Queuing Theory, Diffusion Approximation and Loss Network Theory (27)
L4. Optical Networks (10)
L5. PRML and Iterative Decoding in Recording & Communication Systems (10)
L6. Wireless Geolocation (3)
L7. Wireless Networks, Internet and Web Services (5)
L8. Network Security (3)
L9. Technology Overview (11)
L10. University Education and Reform (7)
L11. University & Industry Relation (10)
L12. Lectures on Other Topics (7)
L13. Delegations (4)
L14. Interview Articles (8)
L1. Computer Performance Analysis (5):
L1-1. Invited Lecture, “Computer Performance Evaluation,” International Computer Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, December 1978.
L1-2. Guest Lectures, IBM-ESRI, La Hulpe, Belgium, September-December, 1980.
L1-3. Invited Lecture, “Analytic Models of Computer Performance,” Information Processing Society Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, October 1982.
L1-4. Invited Lecture, “Systems Performance Evaluation – Recent Progress,” Kyushu Section of IPSJ, June 1984.
L1-5. Invited Speech, “Parallel Processing Architecture Research in Japan,” IBM Europe Institute, Davos, Switzerland, July 1984.
L2. Network Performance Analysis (15):
L2-1. Invited Lecture, “Computer Networks,” Telecommunication University, Madrid, Spain, November 1980.
L2-2. Lecture, “Communication Networks and Systems Integration,” IBM Japan’s Industry Solution Fair, IBM Japan Tsukiji Building, October 16, 1991.
L2-3. Lecture, “Broadband Communication Networks,” ACCJ (American Computer Companies in Japan) – High Technology Committee, Tokyo American Club, Tokyo: April 7, 1992.
L2-4. Lectures, “Special Topics on High-Speed Networks,” Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo, April 10, 17, and May 15, 1992.
L2-5. Seminar, “High-Speed Communication Networks (in Japanese),” Yamagata University, Yonezawa, Japan, April 24, 1992.
L2-6. Seminar, “High-Speed Communication Networks,” at Alcatel-Elin Research Center, Vienna, Austria, June 17, 1992;
L2-7. Seminar, “High-Speed Communication Networks,” at University of Frankfurt, Germarny, June 29, 1992;
L2-8. Seminar, “High-Speed Communication Networks,” at University of Hagen, Germany. July 7, 1992;
L2-9. Seminar, “High-Speed Communication Networks,” at Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, July 1, 1992;
L2-10. Seminar, “High-Speed Communication Networks,” at Siemens Corporate R & D, Munich, Germany, July 13, 1992;
L2-11. Seminar, “High-Speed Communication Networks,” at GMD Fokus, Berlin, Germany, July 16, 1992.
L2-12. Tutorial lecture, “High-Speed Communication Networks: Architectures and Performance,” IEEE SICON/ICIE ’93, Singapore, September 11, 1993.
L2-13. Lecture, “Global Telecommunications: Preparing for the 21st Century,” Distinguished Lecture Series, Information and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine. October 21, 1993.
L2-14. Seminar, “On Information Super-highway,” Sony R&D Center, Shinagawa, Tokyo, May 25, 1994.
L2-15. Seminar, “Telecommunication Revolution,” University Symposium, Nihon University, Tokyo: July 12, 1996.
L3. Queueing Theory, Diffusion Approximation and Loss Networks (27):
L3-1. セミナー“Non-stationary Solutions for Statistical Multiplexing,” 日本OR学会待ち合わせ行列部会、東京工業大学にて、1992年4月18日
Seminar, “Non-stationary Solutions for Statistical Multiplexing,” Operation Research Society of Japan, Tokyo, April 18, 1992.
L3-2. Seminar, “Non-stationary Solutions for Statistical Multiplexing,” RCAST, University of Tokyo, May 26, 1992.
L3-3. Seminar, “Transient-Solution of Queues associated with Probabilistic Models for High-Speed Networks,” at University of Victoria, B.C., Canada, June 9, 1992;
L3-4. Seminar, “Future Direction of High-Speed Communication Networks,” Alcatel Lab, Veina, Austria, June 17, 1992.
L3-5. Seminar, “Transient-Solution of Queues associated with Probabilistic Models for High-Speed Networks,” at IBM Zurich Laboratory, Ruschlikon, Switzerland, June 25, 1992;
L3-6, Vortag, “Future Direction of High-Speed Communication Networks,” Informatikkolloquium, Johann Wofgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main, June 29, 1992,
L3-7. Seminar, “Transient-Solution of Queues associated with Probabilistic Models for High-Speed Networks,” at Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany: July 1, 1992;
L3-8. Seminar, “Transient-Solution of Queues associated with Probabilistic Models for High-Speed Networks,” at University of Dortmund, Germany, July 7, 1992;
L3-9. Seminar, “Non-Stationary Behavior of Statistical Multiplexing for Multiple Types of Traffic,” Technishce Universität Braunschweif, Institut für Nachrichtensysteme, und Institut für Mathematische Stochastik, University of Braunschweig, Germany, July 3, 1992;
L3-10. Seminar, “Transient-Solution of Queues associated with Probabilistic Models for High-Speed Networks,” at University of Stuttgart, Germany, July 10, 1992;
L3-11. Lecture, “Performance Modeling Methodology for High Speed Networking,” at Siemens Corporate Research and Development, Munich, July 13, 1992.
L3-12. Seminar, “Non-Stationary Behavior of Statistical Multiplexing for Multiple Types of Traffic,” at Institut für Informationstechnik, Technishce Universität München, July 15, 1992.
L3-13. Seminar, “Performance Modeling Methodology for High Speed Networking,” a tGeseeschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung Mbh (GMD FOKUS), Berlin, July 16, 1992.
L3-14. Seminar, “Transient-Solution of Queues associated with Probabilistic Models for High-Speed Networks,” at University of Wurzburg, Germany, July 21, 1992;
L3-15. Seminar, “Transient-Solution of Queues associated with Probabilistic Models for High-Speed Networks,” at University of Erlangen-Nurenberg, Germany, July 23, 1992;
L3-16. Seminar, “Transient-Solution of Queues associated with Probabilistic Models for High-Speed Networks,” at NEC USA C&C Laboratory, Princeton, NJ, August 8, 1992
L3-17. 講演「ATMネットワークの拡散近似モデル」コンピュータ・通信(NEC)寄付研究部門シンポジウム、九段会館、1993年9月20-21日
Lecture, “A Diffusion Approximation Model of an ATM Network,” Computer and Communication (NEC) Endowed-Chair Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, September 20-21, 1993.
L3-18. Presentation, “A Diffusion Approximation of ATM Traffic for Statistical Multiplexing,” The 8th IEEE Workshop on Computer Communications, Del Mar, CA, October 17-20, 1993.
L3-19. Seminar, “Queuing Networks and Loss Networks,” at Toshiba R&D Center, Kawasaki, Japan, May 23, 1994;
L3-20. Seminar, “Queuing Networks and Loss Networks,” at NTT Musashino Labs., Tokyo, May 24, 1994;
L3-21. Seminar, “Queuing Networks and Loss Networks,” at Fujitsu Labs., Kanagawa, Japan, May 25, 1994;
L3-22. Seminar, “Queuing Networks and Loss Networks,” at NEC C & C Lab., Kanagawa, Japan, May 26, 1994.
L3-23. Lecture, “Loss Network Theory and Applications,” Applied Stochastic Modeling and Telecommunication and Manufacturing Systems Workshop, Scholss Dagstuhl, Germany, September 25-29, 1995.
L3-24. Seminar, “A Unified Theory for Queueing and Loss Network Models,” at Network Analysis and Planning Seminar (NAPS), AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel on October 11, 1995.
L3-25. Seminar, “A Unified Theory for Queueing and Loss Network Models,” at Computer and Communications Societies Joint Chapter, IEEE NJ Coast Section, Colts Neck Inn, NJ. December 6, 1995
L3-26. Seminar, Generalized Loss Models and Loss-Queuing Networks,” at School of Engineering Science Seminar, Simon Fraser University, Canada; November 12, 1998.
L3-27. Seminar, Generalized Loss Models and Loss-Queuing Networks,” at ECE Seminar, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada, December 1, 1998.
L4-1. Presentation, “Performance Analysis of a Large-Scale All-Optical Network,” ARPA Consortium Meeting on AON (all-optical networks), MIT, Cambridge, MA, September 29, 1993
L4-2. Presentation, “Performance Analysis of All-Optical Routers,” ARPA Consortium meeting on AON (all-optical networks), MIT, Cambridge, MA, March 30, 1994.
L4-3. Presentation, “Call Blocking Probability of All-Optical Networks,” ARPA Consortium Meeting on AON, MIT Lincoln Lab., September 16, 1994.
L4-4. Presentation, “Loss Network Models and All-Optical Networks,” IEEE Computer Communications Workshop, Rosario Resort, Washington, September 18-20, 1995.
L4-5. Presentation, “Architectural and Performance Issues of Transparent Optical Networks,” 1996 ARPA Networking PI Meeting, Charleston, SC: February 27-28, 1996.
L4-6. Seminar, “Loss Network Models and Their Applications to Optical Networks,” Department of Electrical Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, July 6, 1996.
L4-7. Presentation, “Recent Advances in Optical TDM Technologies and the Spectral-domain Modulation/Coding,” 1999 IEEE Computer Communications Workshop, October 17-20, 1999. Estes Park, CO.
L4-8. Seminar, “Connectivity and Routing in Optical Networks,” at AT&T Lab.-Research, April 12, 2000.
L4-9. Seminar, “Connectivity and Routing in Optical Networks,” at Tellium Inc., April 14, 2000.
L4-10. Seminar, “Connectivity and Routing in Optical Networks,” at Corning Lab., April 28, 2000.
L5. PRML and Iterative Decoding in Recording & Communication Systems (10):
L5-1. Lecture, “PRML (Partial-Response Coding and Maximum-Likelihood Decoding) for High Density Magnetic Recording,” at Asahi Kasei Corp., Tokyo, January 13, 1994.
L5-2. Seminar, “Iterative Decoding with Ambiguity Zone Detection,” at Sony Corp., Shinagawa, Tokyo, April 14, 1997;
L5-3. Seminar, “Iterative Decoding with Ambiguity Zone Detection,” at Asahi Kasei Co., April 7, 1997;
L5-4. Seminar, “Iterative Decoding with Ambiguity Zone Detection,” at Hitachi Central Research Lab., July 4, 1997;
L5-5. Seminar, “Iterative Decoding with Ambiguity Zone Detection,” at IBM Tokyo Research Lab., Yamato, Kanagawa, Japan, July 3, 1997;
L5-6. Seminar, “Iterative Decoding with Ambiguity Zone Detection,” at NEC Research Lab., Kawasaki, Japan, July 4, 1997.
L5-7. Seminar, “Iterative Decoding with Erasures in Concatenated Systems”, ECE Department, University of British Columbia, Canada, October 6, 1998
L5-8. Seminar, “Iterative Decoding with Erasures in Concatenated Systems,” ECE Department, University of Victoria, BC, Canada, November 23, 1998.
L5-9. Presentation, “Iterative Decoding for GSM Receiver,” NJCWT (NJ Center for Wireless Technology) Conference, New Jersey Institute of Technology, October 5, 1999.
L5-10. Presentation, “Iterative Decoding for Partial-response Systems,” IBM-Workshop on Trends in Coding and Detection for Magnetic Recording, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Nov. 11 – 12, 1999.
L6-1. Presentation, “Interference Suppression for Wireless Geolocation,” Symposium on IRSS (Interference Rejection and Signal Separation) in Wireless Communications, New Jersey Institute of Technology, March 14, 2000.
L6-2. Presentation, “Signal Strength based Indoor Geolocation,” IEEE International Communications Conferences (ICC-2002), New York City, NY, April 28-May 2, 2002.
L6-3. Seminar, “Estimation Algorithms for Geolocation in Wireless Networks,” NTT DoCoMo, Inc., Yokosuka Research Park, Japan, May 15, 2002.
L7. Wireless Networks, Internet and Web Services (5):
L7-1. Presentation, “Mobility Tracking and Traffic Modeling in Wireless Networks and Application to Wireless Internet Service Provisioning,” (coauthored by S-Z. Yu and B. L Mark), NJWCT Symposium on Next Generation Wireless Networks: Defining Applications and Services for the Next Generation, New Jersey Institute of Technology, May 26, 2000.
L7-2. Presentation, “An Integrated Mobility and Traffic Model for Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks,” The 3rd ACM Workshop on Wireless Mobile Multimedia (WoWMoM’2000), Boston, MA, August 11, 2000.
L7-3. Seminar, “Performance Models of Web Caching and Prefetching for Wireless Internet Access,” Fujitsu Research Laboratories, Kawasaki, Japan, September 18, 2000.
L7-4. Presentation, “Performance Models of Web Caching and Prefetching for Wireless Internet Access,” International Conference on Performance Evaluation: Theory, Techniques and Applications (PerETTA 2000), University of Aizu, Fukushima, Japan, September. 21, 2000.
L7-5. Seminar, “Web Caching and Prefetching for Wireless Internet Access,” The Cullimore Distinguished Lecture Series, NJIT, February 19, 2001.
L8-1. Invited Lecture, “Security of Ad Hoc Wireless Network,” in the Networked Systems Distinguished Lecture Series, University of California at Irvine, March 12, 2004.
L8-2. Presentation, “Secure Routing and Key Establishment,” NJ Center for Wireless and Internet Security, CACI Company, NJ, September 10, 2004.
L9-1. Invited Speech, “Computer Science Research,” Science & Technology Forum, Science & Technology Agency, Oiso, Japan, February 1983.
L9-2. Seminar, “Issues in Computer Science Research,” Hiroshima University, March 1983.
L9-3. Lecture, “Perspective of Computer System Technology,” Young President Organization (YPO) University for Presidents, Tokyo, April 1983.
L9-4. Lecture, “Perspective of Computer System Technology,” The 8th Forum on New Civilization, Hakone, Japan, July 1983.
L9-5. Invited Lecture, “Machine Translation,” Summit Conference of U.S.-Japan-European Patent Departments, US State Department, Washington, D.C., October 1983.
L9-6. Invited Speech, “Overview of Japan Science Institute,” IBM Japan Convention, Bangkok, Thailand, March 1983.
L9-7. Invited Speech, “Overview of Japan Science Institute,” IBM Australia and New Zealand Convention, Aukland, New Zealand, March 1984.
L9-8. Invited Speech, “IBM Research Division and Japan Science Institute,” IBM Japan’s Professors Meeting, Kyoto, Japan, June 1984.
L9-9. Seminar, “Research Activities of Japan Science Institute,” Information Engineering Department, Kyushu University, June 1984.
L9-10. Seminar, “Man-Machine Interface Technologies—Accomplishments and Progress at IBM Japan Science Institute,” Department of Computer Science, UC Santa Barbara, May 29, 1985
L9-11. Invited Lecture, “The Evolution of Computer and Communication Technologies,” The Second Japan and U.S. Transcultural (JUST) Seminar, Ohnuma, Hokkaido, Japan, July 1988.
L10. University Education and Reform (7):
L10-1. Lecture, “Comparisons of U.S. and Japanese University Systems,” Keidanren Working Group on University Problems, Keidanren Hall, Tokyo, November 1, 1991.
L10-2. Lecture, “Issues and Concerns in Education Systems and Research Environments: A Comparison between U.S. and Japan,” Gakushi-Kaikan, Tokyo, December 18, 1991.
L10-3. 講演「米国と日本の大学に於ける教育および研究体制の比較」 技術同友会、経団連会館、平成4年2月21日(講演録及び質疑応答事務局より発行(C19-10)
Lecture, “Comparison of Education Systems in U.S. and Japan,” Gijutsu-Doyu-Kai, Keidanren Hall, Tokyo: February 21, 1992: Lecture note and Q&A published (C19-10).
L10-4. Lecture, “Basic Research at Universities,” Science & Technology Agency, Tokyo: February 26, 1992.
L10-5. 講演「大学の管理運営と評価について」朝粥会(文部省と東大)1992年2月28日、ANAホテルにて
Lecture, “Management and Evaluation Systems for Universities,” at Asagayu-Kai, the Ministry of Education and University of Tokyo, ANA Hotel, Tokyo: February 28, 1992.
L10-6. 講演「米国の大学教育研究体制―日本との比較」東大精研会第94回例会,平成4年5月12日
Lecture, “Education and Research Systems in U.S. universities—Comparison with Japan,” at the 94th Meeting of the University of Tokyo, Seiken-kai “Alumni Group of Precision Mechanical Engineering Department”), May 12, 1992.
L10-6. Seminar, “University in the 21st Century,” at Department of Information Science, School of Engineering, Kyoto University, November 12, 2002;
L10-7. Seminar, “University in the 21st Century,” at Department of Electronic Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, November 14, 2002;
L11. University & Industry Relation (10):
L11-1. Invited Lecture, “R&D Programs in the United States; Their Issues and Challenges,” The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Tokyo, August 1988.
L11-2. 講演「大学と産業界の関係」 大阪商工会議所大阪工業会、1988年9月2日
Lecture, “University-Industry Relationship,” The Osaka Industrial Association, Osaka Chamber of Commerce, September 2, 1988.
L11-3. 講演「大学と産業界の関係の新しい形態」日本鋼管(株)、1988年10月24日Lecture, “New Forms of University-Industry Relationships,” NKK Corp. October 24, 1988.
L11-4. 記念講演「米国にみる研究・開発マネジメントの実際」 研究・開発マネジメント・フォーラム’88.研究環境と人材開発、明治記念館、1988年11月17日
L11-5. Lecture:”R&D Cooperation-U.S. and Japan,” at National Technological University Special Series, “Managing Technology in the Global Market Place,” May 10, 1990.
L11-6. セミナー「米国における大学と企業の関係」新日鉄(株)千葉県君津研究所, 1991年10月17日Seminar, “University and Industry Relations in the U.S.,” Nippon Steel, Inc., Kimitsu Lab., Chiba: October 17, 1991.
L11-7. 講演「日米大学比較論:米国における大学と産業界の連携」 経団連・大学問題ワーキンググループ,1991年11月1日
Lecture, “Cooperation between Universities and Industry: Comparison between Japan and U.S.,” at Japan Federation of Economic Organization (Keidanren)’s University Problem Working Group., November 1, 1991.
L11-8. Panel Chairman, “Collaborations between Academia, Industry and Government: Their Incentives and Roles,” Seventh R& D Executive Forum, Japan Productivity Center, Aoyama-Gakuin, Tokyo, March 13, 1992.
L11-9. 基調講演「21世紀の日本の大学に何を望むか」大阪大学大学院情報科学研究科創設記念シンポジウム、2002年11月1日
Keynote Address, “University in the 21st Century,” Symposium to Celebrate the Creation of Osaka University, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology.
November 1, 2002.
L11-10. 講演「21世紀における研究と教育」大阪ガス株)、平成14年11月12日
Lecture, “Research and Education in the 21st Century,” Corporate Executive Board, Osaka Gas Co., Osaka, November 12, 2002.
L12. Lectures on Other Topics (7):
L12-1. Seminar, “International Frictions and Cooperation in Science and Technology,” NTT Musashino Laboratories, December 12, 1991.
L12-2. 講演「日米における研究開発体制について」 防衛庁技術研究本部、平成4年4月21日
Lecture “Research & Development Systems in Japan and the U.S.,” Ministry of Defense, Technology Research Division, Tokyo, April 21, 1992.
L12-3. Presentation, “Research in Electrical Engineering at Princeton,” General Instrument, Inc., July 24, 1996.
L12-4. Presentation, “Research Activities in Kobayashi’s Group,” NTT Mobile Communications Networks, Inc., Yokosuka, Japan, May 27, 1999.
L12-5. Presentations, “An Overview of the Department of Electrical Engineering and CAP,” and “Research Activities in Kobayashi’s Group,” Kirby Center, Texas Instrument, Inc., Dallas, TX, July 28, 1999.
L12-6. Presentation, “Status Report of SEAS (School of Engineering and Applied Science),” Regional Conference of Princeton Alumni, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 3, 2000.
L12-7. Presentation, “An Overview of Our Research Programs,” Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, November 26, 2002.
L13-1. U.S. Delegate, The 19th URSI General Assembly, Helsinki, August 1978.
L13-2. U.S. Delegate, The 20th URSI General Assembly, Washington, D.C. August 1981.
L13-3. Participant, The Bi-National Colloquium of Humboldt Foundation, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, August 1981.
L13-4. U.S. Delegate, The US National Research Council to the Fifth Generation Computer Conference, Tokyo, October 1981.
L14-1. Interview with Mr. Andrew Pollak, The New York Times, on Kanji problems in information processing technology that resulted in an article, “Language is Huge Barrier” (the June 7, 1984)
L14-2. Interview by Prof. Ezra Vogel, at IBM Japan Science Institute,1987
L14-3. Interview by Prof. Richard Samuels, MIT for ““Look Japan” Magazine, Fall of 1986
L14-4. Interview with Mr. Scott Marray, Editor of Princeton Engineer “The End of a Balancing Act,” Princeton Engineer, Volume 50, No. 2 (Year-End/Reunion Issue 1991, pp. 13-14
L14-5. Donor Interview by the University of Tokyo, Giving to U. Tokyo, June 26, 2010.
L14-6. CUP (Cambridge University Press) Book Interview, April 2012.
L14-7. Interview by UC Berkeley, Gift Planning Office, Cal Futures, Fall 2018.
L14-8. Interview by Princeton University, Alumni, Gift Planning, August 17, 2020.
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