I was selected to receive the 2012 C&C Group B Prize (C&C賞グループB), and the award ceremony was held at ANA Intercontinental Hotel in Tokyo (ANA インターコンテイネンタル・ホテル東京) on November 28, 2012. (http://www.candc.or.jp/en/2012/ceremony.html).
The C&C Prize, established in March 1985 by the NEC C&C Foundation (NEC C&C財団), is awarded to no more than two groups annually in recognition of their outstanding contributions to research and development and/or pioneering work in the fields of semiconductors, computers, and/or telecommunications and in their integrated technologies. In recent years, Group A Award has been given to Japanese researcher(s), whereas Group B Award is to non-Japanese researcher(s). http://www.candc.or.jp/en/recipient.html
The 2012 C&C Group A Prize was awarded to Prof. Osamu Yamada of Waseda University (早稲田大学 客員教授の山田 宰氏), Dr. Toru Kuroda and Mr. Masayuki Takada of NHK Research Lab (NHK放送技術研究所の黒田 徹氏と高田 政幸氏) for their “outstanding leadership in the research and development of the ISDB-T digital terrestrial television broadcasting system “(「地上デジタル放送伝送方式ISDB-Tの研究開発に関わる主導的貢献」) (http://www.candc.or.jp/en/2012/group_a.html).
The citation of my award reads “For his pioneering and leading contribution both to the invention of high-density and highly reliable digital recording technology and to the creation and development of a performance-evaluation methodology for computer and communication systems.” (「情報記録の高密度化・高信頼化方式、ならびにコンピュータおよび通信ネットワーク・システムの性能評価のための解析的手法の発明、実用化に関する先駆的・指導的貢献」)(http://www.candc.or.jp/en/2012/group_b.html)
My inventions on signal processing and decoding technology for digital recording, made at the IBM Research Center in 1969-71, soon after I joined IBM upon receiving a Ph.D. degree from Princeton in 1967, is now widely known as PRML (Partial-Response, Maximum-Likelihood) , and are adopted in almost all digital magnetic and optical recording devices today. For this fundamental contribution, I received the 2005 Eduard Rhein Technology Award (2005年度エドワード・ライン・テクノロジー賞)http://www.princeton.edu/main/news/archive/S12/62/31O87/index.xml
For the slides (in Japanese) I used in my acceptance speech at the NEC C&C Prize ceremony, please click here.
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