Hisashi Kobayashi's Blog
Sherman Fairchild University Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Princeton University

Presentation at San Francisco Akamon-Kai (桑港赤門会で講演)

ShoshichiKobayashiMemorialOn Saturday February 9th, 2013, I was invited to give a 40 minute presentation entitled “The Life and Achievements of Shoshichi Kobayashi” 「小林昭七の生涯と業績」, at the Annual Meeting of San Francisco Akamonkai (桑港赤門会の年次総会), attended by about 40 members. Shoshichi, who was a Berkeley resident of 50 years, was one of the oldest members of the Akamonkai (the Alumni Group of the University of Tokyo). The slides and my talk were given in Japanese (Click here for viewing slides, and for the YouTube videos please visit the following, which I am afraid is too long: 1) http://youtu.be/N03PvMM6FQc; 2) http://youtu.be/SZKkRxDpa3Y; 3) http://youtu.be/FZt2mDJ97ic; 4) http://youtu.be/6njQgHL5IoI; 5) http://youtu.be/pfn2LiUtvVo; 6) http://youtu.be/0XSYjhFv9tg )  The outline of my talk was as follows.

SpeechatAkamonkaiプレゼンテーション内容 (Outline of Presentation)

  • 小林昭七の生い立ち (Upbringing of Shoshichi Kobayashi)
  • 数学者への道:林宗男先生との出会い (Guidepost to a mathematician: an encounter with Mr. Muneo Hayashi, Mathematics teacher)
  • 東大で矢野健太郎先生に学ぶ (Studying from Professor Kentaro Yano at the University of Tokyo)
  • フランス留学から米国へ (Study in France and move to America)
  • プリンストン高等研究所、MIT、UBC (カナダ)(Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton, MIT and the University of British Columbia, Canada)
  • UC バークレーで50年 (Fifty years at Berkeley)
  • 数学者、教育者としての業績 (Achievements as a mathematician and educator)
  • 啓蒙書や随筆集 (Expository books and essays)
  • Friends of Todai について (On “Friends of Todai, Inc.”)


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